Our Mission

The mission of our Institutional Relations and Internationalization office is to link our university community with the rest of the country and also with the international context. We are responsible for strengthening teaching and research to promote the integral formation of students and the academic development of professors and researchers.

Internationalization at UPCH is an intentional process of integrating the global and intercultural dimension in teaching and research, in order to form citizens who contribute to the strengthening and development of knowledge with an openness to the world.

This University Direction currently concentrates its efforts in facilitating student mobility, guiding them in the processes that allow them to participate in courses and activities outside UPCH, taking advantage of different networks with other Peruvian and foreign universities. In addition, we support UPCH in establishing and maintaining agreements that facilitate collaboration in teaching and research with other institutions, public or private, inside and outside the country. Above all, we aspire to represent the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia in the global arena, as a link between the Heredian community and the rest of the world.

We invite you to learn about the opportunities available to our university, which we keep updated on this page.

Mgtr. Francesco Mencaroni – Director

Our main Objectives

To increase the influence and visibility of UPCH.

To be a facilitator and nexus between national and foreign institutions.

To promote multilateral programs (regional, EU, LATAM, NA, AS and OC).

To seek the commitment and confidence of other institutions.

Staff Directory

DirectorMgtr. Francesco Mencaronifrancesco.mencaroni@upch.pe
Mobility coordinatorMaria Champacmaria.champac@upch.pe
Partnerships coordinatorJessica Bravojessica.bravo@upch.pe
Junior Academic Mobility AnalystClaudia Ramírez claudia.ramirez.reyes@upch.pe
Junior Academic Mobility AnalystGrisel Garciagrisel.garcia@upch.pe
Administrative assistantFranco Chufranco.chu@upch.pe
Marketing & communications assistantVeronica Bravoveronica.bravo@upch.pe
Intern DURINDiego Chanllio diego.chanllio@upch.pe
Staff Directory Dirección Universitaria de Relaciones Institucionales


Pabellón de Rectorado, Av. Honorio Delgado 430,
Urb. Ingeniería, San Martín de Porres (15102 Lima)


(511) 319-0000 anexo 201108