New alliance between Cayetano Heredia and the International University of Valencia for academic strengthening and institutional development

The Universidad Internacional de Valencia (VIU) and the Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia have signed an agreement with the aim of promoting new training actions aimed at students and professionals.
This agreement aims to offer students competency-based learning, promoting the development of practical skills and knowledge. To achieve this, both institutions propose an international multi-stakeholder strategy that involves strategic stakeholders from the business sector in both Peru and Spain.
«This agreement with the Universidad Internacional de Valencia, an institution recognized for its commitment to quality education and internationalization, reinforces our mission to promote academic excellence and research, with a special focus on key areas such as life sciences and health. Through this collaboration, both universities strengthen our capacity to train highly trained professionals and generate joint knowledge that contributes to the well-being of society,» said our rector, Dr. Enrique Castañeda Saldaña.
In the same vein, Dr. José Martí Parreño, Vice-Rector for Research, Transfer and Internationalization of VIU, explained how «the signing of this agreement represents the university’s purpose to generate a positive impact on society at a global level, within a framework of international collaboration. It also exemplifies the process of internationalization of the university through strategic alliances, partners and collaborators that promote its presence and action at an international level.»
Elsewhere, he also highlighted the relevance of Cayetano Heredia, of which he stated that «it is a reference university in the study of tropical diseases and public health», so he hopes that «together we can generate many synergies in teaching and research in this area».
Among the training initiatives contemplated by the agreement are the joint organisation of training activities, such as courses, congresses or seminars; the carrying out of studies and research projects in those areas that are considered to be of common interest; mutual advice on issues related to the activities carried out by both entities; short/long-term mobility plans (summer schools, summer schools, etc.). semester abroad, articulation and exchange) to promote international academic mobility for students; encourage the exchange of faculty and staff; offer joint academic programs; and implement mirror classes and COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) courses.
Universidad Internacional de Valencia (VIU)
It is one of the leading online universities in the Spanish-speaking world and is a member of CRUE Spanish Universities. It has more than 26,500 students of 87 different nationalities, a teaching staff with more than 2,950 TFT teachers and directors, most of whom combine their professional and academic activity, and more than 12,000 agreements for internships and collaborations. Among the credentials that endorse VIU’s academic activity are the AUDIT design certificate from ANECA, or the ISO 9001:2015 and service quality certificates, Servicert, granted by SGS. Likewise, VIU has the recognition of QS Stars with the maximum score (5 stars) in the online teaching category and is the only Spanish university to have been distinguished for its online campus in the Catalyst Awards 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. VIU is part of Planeta Formación y Universidades, Grupo Planeta’s international higher education network. It has twenty-two educational institutions in Spain, Andorra, France, Italy, North Africa, the United States and Colombia. Every year, more than 145,000 students from 100 different nationalities are trained through its business schools, universities, specialist colleges and vocational training centres.