Incoming for International Students
Incoming call for applications 2025 – I
The University Direction of Institutional Relations and Internationalization at Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia is pleased to announce that the General Incoming Call for applications (semester exchanges in Spanish) and Research internships (in English) for the 2025 – I term (March – July 2025) is now officially open.
Call for Applications deadline: November 15, 2024
General Call:
- You can find the application and process requirements in the following section.
- Available programs (odd cycle courses):
Access one of the partial scholarships we offer for studies of at least 3 months.
You can also apply for our short research stays (Spanish or English). Learn about our laboratories here.

Application Process
To apply for an exchange at UPCH, you must follow the following steps detailed in the image below:
Check our UPCH catalog: EXCHANGE OFFERS CATALOG 2025 – I
Consult with the head of deparment of your program and with your university to choose the courses you wish to take at Cayetano.
All academic activities you take at UPCH must be validated within your curriculum.
You can request course syllabus at, indicating the program, faculty, code and name of the course.
Register by completing our exchange application form
After verifying your information, we will send you your access to our Cayetano mobility platform
Complete the requested information and requirements.
Inform your university about your acceptance and enrollment process.
There are 02 application forms on the platform: application form and academic agreement, you must complete both for your application process.
The final status of your file must be APPLIED, if not, you will not continue the application process. If you only have the REGISTERED status, please check carefully, you may not have completed all the fields.
More: pe/
When entering our mobility platform you must attach online the following requirements:
- Motivation Letter addressed to: Dr. Cristina Guerra Giraldez – Director of the International Affairs Office
- Transcript of records.
- Passport size photo with white background in jpg format.
- ID copy.
- Letter of introduction from the home University indicating the courses you wish to take at UPCH.
- Copy of passport (FACE TO FACE EXCHANGE ONLY).
- Student visa (if your stay is longer than three months).
- International medical insurance.
If your stay is for more than three months, you need to apply for a student visa to enter our country. Please note that you need a minimum of 3 months to present all the requirements document before your arrival. If you need extra information about this, you can contact us at
We will only receive complete applications sent within the deadline of the call. Once our office receipt of the records, they will be transferred to the corresponding faculties for evaluation.
The final decision will be communicated to the student and to the international relations office of your university via e-mail. In the case you were admitted, an official letter of acceptance will be sent.
If your university does not have an agreement with us, you can also study at Cayetano. To know the conditions and request more information about our exchange program, you can write us at
Visa Process:
After officially receiving your acceptance letter from UPCH, in case of an exchange for more than 3 months, you must obtain a student visa BEFORE traveling to Peru. Keep in mind that you need a minimum of 3 months to process the document before your arrival. You can ask us your questions at
- Copy of passport (current).
- Letter of introduction from your home University
- Letter of acceptance from UPCH (processed by DURIN).
- Letter of introduction from the home University
- International Medical Insurance (mandatory).
- Copy of plane ticket with round trip dates (a copy of both air tickets must be attached, it is mandatory).
- Affidavit of return to your country of origin.
- Responsive letter of economic solvency for people under 25 years. (Parents must generate said letter, but if the student is responsible for their expenses, they must also send this letter in their own name).
- Request a bank account statement from their parents, if the student supports himself, it must be the account statement of the student.
- Copy of ID / Passport of the father as a guarantee of his son’s stay.
- Copy of the collaboration agreement with the foreign institution.