Outgoing – National

Exchange in National Universities

The national exchange program offers comprehensive training that goes beyond the courses offered by each specific career or university, allowing you to access courses from our cooperating universities.

Learn about the Networks of National Universities to which Cayetano belongs:

  • University of Lima
  • University of Pacífico
  • Pontifical Catholic University of Peru

To apply for courses at universities within the Consortium or RPU, access the Mobility Platform from your personal intranet. 

Currently comprised of 27 universities from across the country.

The Research, Development, and Innovation Network (Red IDI), connects science and technology, researchers and scientists, with the business and governmental sectors. Alongside Cayetano, this network includes:

You can explore activities and potential opportunities for academic internships through this network. 

Application process

Review our catalog and choose the destination university:

Asesórate con tu jefe de carrera para convalidar los cursos.

You can request course syllabus at durin@oficinas-upch.pe indicando indicating the host university, faculty, major, code and name of the course.

All courses must be validated base don your curriculum plan.

Enter the UPCH Mobility platform from your personal intranet. Select the DURIN module and click on.

Fill in the requested information. Remember that the information registeres CANNOT BE EDITED OR DELETED.

To be sure:

We Will send the schedules of the courses you chose to your personal email so that you accept the Exchange.

As son as we receive your confirmation and validation from your program supervisor, your file Will be sent to the destination university.


There are two (02) application formats on the platform: «Ficha» and «Acuerdo académico.» You must complete both to apply.

The final status of your application must be Applied. If it is not, the process for applying will not proceed. If your status is only Registered, double-check carefully: you may not have completed all fields.

Más información en: https://durin.cayetano.edu.pe

The student must consider the following information:

They must belong to a university that is part of the Peruvian Network of Universities (PDF RPU) in order to apply for a course through the RPU network. The following steps should be considered:

1. Find courses of your interest here.

2. Complete the RPU Application Form.

3. Additionally, consider the following steps.

Review our catalog and choose the destination university:

Consult your department head for advice on how to validate your courses.

You can request course syllabus at durin@oficinas-upch.pe indicating the host university, faculty, major, code and name of the course.

All courses must be validated base don your curriculum plan.

Enter the UPCH Mobility platform from your personal intranet. Select the DURIN module and click on the APPLY button.

Fill in the requested information. Remember that the information registeres CANNOT BE EDITED OR DELETED.

To be sure:

We Will send the schedules of the courses you chose to your personal email so that you accept the Exchange.

As son as we receive your confirmation and validation from your program supervisor, your file Will be sent to the destination university.


There are two (02) application formats on the platform: «Ficha» and «Acuerdo académico.» You must complete both to apply.

The final status of your application must be «POSTULADO» (Applied). If it is not, the process for applying will not proceed. If your status is only «REGISTRADO» (Registered), double-check carefully: you may not have completed all fields.

More information in: https://durin.cayetano.edu. pe/es/

More Information


They must have on hand and upload online to the Mobility Platform the following requirements:

  • Letter of Motivation (Addressed to Dr. Cristina Guerra Giraldez, Director of DURIN). There is no specific template for the letter; you can draft a simple document stating the reasons for your exchange. 
  • Academic Transcript (from EVA or INTRANET UPCH).
  • Passport-sized photo with a white background. 
  • Copy of ID card.
  • Application form from the Host University (Only if it is attached in the course catalog).  


The application in the intranet includes two (02) application formats: the file and the academic agreement. Both must be completed for your application to be 100% complete.

NOTE: The final status of your file must be validated annex for your application to be considered. To achieve validated annex status, you must communicate with your academic advisor, so they are aware of your intention to participate in an exchange, guide you through the exchange process, and validate your application on the platform. 

Ejemplo de un correcto estado validated annex:


Stages of Application Status in the Platform:

When a student applies and completes all their information correctly, the status of their application in the platform should be Applied, indicating that the application was successfully registered.

As the next step, the student should contact their academic advisor and request validation of their application on the platform (previously informing the advisor of their intention to participate in an exchange). Once the academic advisor has validated their application, the status should change to «ANEXO VALIDADO» (Annex Validated). This status means that the student’s application is validated, and they can proceed to be nominated to the destination university. 


If your status is only registered, you should review again and ensure that all fields, data, and requirements are completed. Otherwise, your application will not proceed, and we will not be able to nominate you to your desired university even if you applied within the correct deadlines.

If you have any doubts about how to apply on the Mobility Platform, please refer to the following  videotutorial

REMINDER: All applications or nominations are processed through DURIN. 


If the syllabus information for the exchange offerings does not indicate the course syllabus, you should inquire at : durin@oficinas-upch.pe In your email, please specify the course name and code you are interested in, along with your faculty and major. 

IMPORTANT: Your inquiry should be specific to the course(s) you are interested in, NOT the entire course offerings of the majors. We will accept inquiries for up to a MAXIMUM of 3 COURSES. Therefore, it is VERY IMPORTANT that your academic advisor guides you.

OJO: If you are unsure about the information entered in the forms, please consult durin@oficinas-upch.peRemember that the data entered CANNOT BE EDITED OR DELETED from the platform.

Información de Apoyo


Pabellón de Rectorado, Av. Honorio Delgado 430,
Urb. Ingeniería, San Martín de Porres (15102 Lima)


(511) 319-0000 anexo 201108